171 points by r0b3r4 5 days ago | 66 comments
Hey everyone! I’m working on Telescope - an open-source web-based log viewer designed to make working with logs stored in ClickHouse easier and more intuitive.

I wasn’t happy with existing log viewers - most of them force a specific log format, are tied to ingestion pipelines, or are just a small part of a larger platform. Others didn’t display logs the way I wanted.

So I decided to build my own lightweight, flexible log viewer - one that actually fits my needs.

Check it out:

    Video demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IItMOXwugY

    GitHub: https://github.com/iamtelescope/telescope

    Live demo: https://telescope.humanuser.net

    Discord: https://discord.gg/rXpjDnEc
