Hi HN, I’m Colin and I’m building Komihåg (https://komihag.com/), to make it as easy as possible to remember things you read.

Just select any text on your iOS device and share the selection with the app, this will transform the shared text into a Q&A flashcard using LLMs. You can then scroll through your decks of cards in the app, or create a widget that displays your cards continuously.

I got the idea while reading machine learning books. Sure I could create Kindle bookmarks or copy paste interesting parts, but I noticed that I never really took the time to revisit them, so adding an iOS widget with the things I want to learn and that inevitably reaches my eyes many times per day seemed like a good idea.

The app is build with SwiftUI, using Supabase for authentication and storage.

The app is pretty bare bones at the moment, some ideas I have for improvement are: - Scheduling for the widget. E.g. show new card every 5 minutes. - Lookscreen widget / Watch widget. These cannot be interactive (I think), so I would have to reformulate the Q&A pair into a combined statement.

Let me know if you think the concept is interesting enough to continue working on.
