For the past couple of months, I've been working on and off on a cool project I'm excited to share.
mmar (pronounced "ma-mar") is an open-source, zero dependency, cross platform and self-hostable HTTP tunnel built in Go. It allows you to easily expose your localhost to the world on a public URL.
You can easily create an HTTP tunnel right away for free on a randomly generated subdomain on "*" if you don't feel like self-hosting.
This isn't something new, in fact there's quite a few of alternative HTTP tunneling tools out there. mmar is my attempt to optimize for a super easy developer experience and simplified implementation. None the less, I had a blast building it and I think developers could find it pretty useful.
Additionally, I documented the whole process of building mmar through devlogs. You can read about the thought process and implementation details here (
If I would suggest one devlog to read, I highly recommend devlog 5 ( I describe how I built a (very) basic DNS server just to run simulation tests for mmar (a bit of an overkill, but a fantastic learning experience). I dive deep into the DNS protocol and explain why I needed to implement it.
Finally, I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback. If you try mmar out, let me know!