All I care about and want to care about is knowing the type of the response I'm getting from my database call. I don't need a query builder or an ORM, it could just be something in the LSP that can tell me when I'm doing something wrong.
I've done a lot of db, (sql & no-sql) work before but I always did it on autopilot, without actually rationalizing about how terrible the experience is.
The closest thing I've gotten to something exactly that I want is SQLx in Rust which does query verification by checking against your db. It just feels like overkill to use Rust for building a simple REST CRUD app.
Every other language has some variation of code-gen with an ORM or QueryBuilder to go with it and I think that's just too complicated.
I thought SQLC in go would be better but golangs ergonomics are terrible plus I find it very hard to write my queries in a different file, then generate code and then start using it only to realize I need to change something in the query and I start the whole process over again.
NodeJS isn't any better either with Prisma, Drizzle and Kysely it's a lot of work just to get started with the tools. Figure out their respective ORM type formats, then either generate them or write them yourself. Sure you can use Knex but Knex doesn't give you any type information.
Finally if you try to go with the "battle tested" languages like Java and C# with Hibernate and Linq the amount of work you need to do to just initialize projects in those languages is a completely different headache. It's a huge time investment in laying out those projects.
Am I doing something wrong, it's not like I've never used a database before, or don't understand sql. Everything seems like it's so much work and it's exhausting to even think about.